Adult Faith Formation

our Catholic faith is a lifelong journey

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”

Romans 12:2

Our Catholic faith is rich in beauty and truths. While we are formed in the faith as children, our understanding and experience of our faith matures as we hit certain milestones and situations in our lives. God never leaves our side throughout our life journey, but rather draws us more deeply into His love through each of our experiences, opportunities, joys, challenges, and sufferings.

At St. Victoria, we want to accompany you through your faith journey. Through worship, formation programs, fellowship and service opportunities, we hope to be your spiritual companion to bring you deeper into God’s love and mercy and a clearer understanding of His will for your life as His beloved son and daughter.

Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (formerly known as RCIA — the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) will begin sessions this Fall. OCIA is a journey whereby adults are welcomed into the Catholic Church. OCIA is devoted to deepening participants’ relationship with Jesus Christ and exploring their faith in depth.

Who is this journey for?

• Someone who has never been baptized

• Individuals who were baptized in another Christian denomination

• Adults who were baptized Catholic but have not received First Holy Communion and/or Confirmation

• Adults who are confirmed Catholic and ready to explore their faith anew

OCIA fall sessions beginon Oct. 4 and meet on Tuesday evenings from 6:00-7:30 pm in the Fireside Room. Those interested can contact Deacon Ray at or 952-443-2661.

As adults, we oftentimes need accompaniment on our faith journeys. Spiritual Direction is the ancient practice of accompanying individuals on their spiritual journey leading them to inner healing, freedom and peace. St. Victoria has an experienced Spiritual Director who can accompany you on your faith journey. Click here to learn more>